
Anna Seward Primary School sits at the heart of a beautiful community.
Our curriculum develops compassionate learners who foster a love for their friends and the community and helps our children understand their role within the wider world.
Our children develop the courage to work hard across the curriculum. Our holistic approach encourages children to work creatively and believe that anything and everything is possible.
Addressing Social Disadvantage
Experiences underpin our curriculum. We work collaboratively to provide experiences which challenge and broaden children’s lives and attitudes to the world.
All children have access to quality first teaching which balances knowledge and skill equally. Through the curriculum, children are encouraged to become active and responsible citizens within their community.
Cognitive Science
The long and medium term plans have been coherently sequenced to ensure that the principles of how children learn are embedded and exploited through teaching opportunities.
Resources have been created to ensure they support this cognitive approach (see 5 pillars below)
Working Collaboratively
Anna Seward Primary School is proud to be a part of the Arthur Terry Learning Partnership. We strongly believe that having strong links within the community ensures our children have the best opportunities to succeed and become well rounded members of the community.
Applying Knowledge
Prior learning is clearly identified and developed through progressive planning which ensures and promotes deep understanding. This can be seen across all curriculum areas, within year groups and phases.
Opportunities for application of knowledge through retrieval is regular to build strong schema.

On the curriculum tabs you will find curriculum overviews for each year group, as well as some information about the Read, Write, Inc Phonics Programme & Power Maths that we adopt at Anna Seward.
For more information relating to the curriculum, please feel free to speak to your child’s class teacher.