The School Day

 ReceptionKey Stage 1 Key Stage 2 
8.40 – 8.55 School open for registration School open for registration School open for registration 
8.55 – 10.30 Phonics activities Phonics activities English activities 
10.30 – 10.40 Break/snack time Break/snack time Break/snack time 
10.40 – 11.50 Mathematics activities Mathematics activities Mathematics activities 
(11.50 – 12.35) 
(12.00 – 12.45)
(12.00 – 12.45)
12.45 – 1.00 Registration and circle time Registration and class novel Registration and class novel 
1.00 – 1.50 Independent activities and small group activities Foundation teaching and learning Foundation teaching and learning 
1.50 – 2.00 Break/snack time Break time Daily Mile 
2.00 – 3.00 Independent activities and small group activities Foundation teaching and learning Foundation teaching and learning 
3.00 – 3.20 Story time/singing Assembly Assembly 
3.25 Home time Home time Home time